Off and on I’ve been working on my new site (click HERE to view)and it is taking me forever. I do have to admit though it has been a learning experience. I’m starting to understand HTML and CSS much better. Even though I have previous web experience it has never as CSS intensive. 95% of previous websites were created using tables with dreamweaver.
For this new site my goal is to create a a quicker loading and validated website to reduce the chance of it displaying incorrectly in different browsers.
The site was sketched out and planned in the beginning but I’m still wondering how everything is going to layout since my CSS skills are limited. So far I am pleased how it is turning out. My main focus is to provide an easy access to my design work and to make it as straight forward as possible.
The whole process is also taking me a while because I freelance a lot of the time. I hardly ever have any energy or motivation left to sit on mydesk and create something. Well, I hope that by the end of this month I have everything complete.